Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Largest Marrow Competition

So we're now partially into Week 3 of Project Tanzania and have just finished Day 2 of our Warwick Invasion.

Turnout isn't too bad - about 35% at the peak time - however, punctuality is, shall we say, lacking.   For the first half hour or so, we were struggling to hit double figures!

Last weekend, we went for a "light stroll" (A light stroll? My arse it was! I'd say it was closer to a moderate hike, especially with the heat!) up a couple of mountains.  It would have been enjoyable if I wasn't ill with TT (Tanzanian Tummy) and felt so sick I hadn't eaten for 48 hours... Anyway, I'm better now so that's good!

Tomorrow is Farmer's Day (or something like that).  Supposedly we're going to a festival-thingy that suspiciously sounds like we're going to spend the whole day looking a large marrows and deciding which is biggest.  Anyway, that's tomorrow, so I guess we'll see...