Tuesday 31 July 2012

More Mafiga Facts, Some IGGY Ideas and a Safari Report

I realised that although I gave a large description of Mafiga Secondary yesterday, I forgot to mention that the school has over 1000 pupils, meaning each class (on average) has around 50 or more pupils with the higher grades being below that number and the lower grades being above.  That said, I have been in a variety of classes and have seen no more than about 40 or so in there, suggesting a large number of pupils are enrolled but either cannot or do not come to school.  Hopefully, we can change that - in the week or so I've gained a few more pupils in my main class (III-SC) so let's hope that trend continues!

In other news, I might have found one or two pupils suitable to be recommended for the IGGY (International Gateway for Gifted Youth) scheme that Warwick helps run (basically, it gives talented pupils access to resources and assistance that will aid them in obtaining a place at a good university in their own country).  From what I can tell they seem good at Physics too and the person on the project and I have decided to keep our eyes on them and submit supporting statements (which will really help them in getting a place on the scheme) if they continue to excel!

In other news, we went on a Safari yesterday and saw a good range of animals, not as many as South Africa, but some of them came a lot closer to us so I've got a few excellent photos (which I'll upload when we get back to the UK).

We have also been told that the Vice-Chancellor (basically the head of the University in all but name) might be coming to visit at some point.  The only problem is that the suggested dates clash with the weekend when we were planning on going to Zanzibar, so we are holding off booking anything for now.

I'd better be off now, I'm sitting outside in the sunshine and my laptop feels as though it is about to overheat!

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